







We can conductor magnetometry measurements  (400 mK-300 K, up to 7T) and will soon be able to perform electrical transport measurements (1.6 K – 300 K, up to 12T) and magnetic force microscopy (1.6 K – 300 K, up to 12 T).  Our laboratory is suited in the basement of the interdisciplinary CoorsTek Center for Applied Sciences and hosts a Quantum Design MPMS3 magnetometer with a 3He module, sample rotator, and transport insert. We are excited about the upcoming arrival (ETA Nov 2020) of an attoDRY 2100 instrument for electronic transport measurements (using a Nanonis Tramea quantum transport measurement suite) and magnetic force microscope, funded by an NSF MRI. Please do not hesitate to contact us If you are interested in using either of these capabilities or would like us to measure samples for you.  Our group also has access to cleanrooms for microfabrication, shared materials deposition facilities, and the Mines Electron Microscopy Lab.

Facilities Work

Steel beams were removed from the floors of two regions in the lab in preparation for two instruments with high magnetic field capabilities.

Early Construction

Facilities modifications in our lab began in August 2018 and was finished for the arrival of the magnetometer by July 2019 and attocube 12T instrument in November 2020 (coming soon).

Final Steps

Our finished lab is capable of measuring the electronic and magnetic properties of materials and devices exposed to variable temperatures and magnetic fields.


Multidisciplinary Research

Students from the departments of Physics, Materials Science, as well as Chemical and Biological Engineering use our system.

MPMS3 Magnetometer w/ 3He Module