
Analog Electronics (Phgn 215)

Course Development, Low Temperature and Microwave Measurements (Eegn 532)

Senior Design Principles (Phgn 471/472)
2020 - 2021
- Origin of the Second Magnetization Peak in the Anisotropic Superconductor, overdoped Hg1201 (Haley Cole)
- Construction of a Manual Probe Station for Electrical Transport Measurements on Nanostructured Devices (Austin Holmes, Alex Roush)
- Electrochemical Growth of Superconductors (Josh Moler, Matthew Barbattini)
2019 - 2020
- Development of a Manual Probe Station for Electrical Transport Measurements on Nanostructured Devices (Avery Plantz, Bennett Steward)
- Electrochemical Growth of Superconductors (Tara Braden)
- Correlation between depairing current and vortex creep in superconductors (Sarah Jones)
2018 - 2019
- Fabrication of SiNx nanostencils for resist-free lithography (Sun Ying, Caleb Hammel)
- Design and construction of a 4K LHe dipper probe for electrical transport measurements (Jonathan Kim)